Mendocino County Zoning Map

Click the map to see what your zoning is — does not include incorporated areas.

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Incorporated Cities

full functionality to come

Fort Bragg
Point Arena

Other Special Districts


Municipal Advisory Council

full functionality to come

Redwood Valley MAC
Laytonville MAC
Gualala MAC
Hopland MAC
Westport MAC


This is a map is much of the zoning information for the county. More to come as the website is developed.



1. Find a location

In the map above, type in your address in the upper right search box, or zoom and move the map to explore a location.

2. Use the menu

Click the >> in the upper left part of the map to show the menu, click the legend tab to display various natural resources and infrastructure.

3. Check out different layers

Explore the map and click on a item to see a pop-up with more data.

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Mendo Maps was created by The Mendocino Voice, a local online news-service. If you enjoyed this project please support us via our Patreon.

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